Add a power Booster to Your Writing 1

The Power of Quality Content in Building an Online Presence

Sometimes you will be great at editing and writing and then suddenly you may reach a dead end where your mind may just shut down. You may then wonder how you could be a good writer or how you even got stuck after a few sentences.

You may have to just relax because dead ends even happen to the best writer. It is a process that, in time you will only master. As a beginner, it will take time to achieve in writing. We are here to help you with a few step-by-step advice that will help you with this issue. 

First advice to a writer

Firstly make it a daily routine of writing in a journal. You have to write as if you are expressing yourself to a friend.

Following this step will help vanish most of your worries. You are writing about your incidents or how you go through your day. It is where you write without any pressure. You can write what you want. The bottom line is that they are your thoughts and that makes it so creative.

Yes, there are times when you feel or hear a voice in your head saying, “Is this for you?” or “ You cannot be a writer,” which is a common problem. You don’t know what to do? I’ll offer a solution.

Try Meditative writing

Well, this is ‘Meditation Analogy’ that comes to our aid.

Let me explain what this is about. Most people think that when you meditate you need to get rid of your thoughts. That’s wrong. In fact, meditation teaches you to live in peace and not let these thoughts affect your mind. Most people while meditating get lost in their own thoughts, which is wrong. Meditation is finding peace amidst conflict.

The same goes for your writing. The thoughts will always be there but you need to find your peace and keep writing as if you are meditating. When you feel yourself drowning amid voices, take a couple of deep breaths and start writing again and this will help keep your thoughts at bay.

As quoted by Andy Puddicombe,

‘As soon as you find yourself distracted or lost in thoughts, gently bring your attention to the present.’ It is difficult though but with practice, you will master it. It does not mean that all the time you need to spend in meditation. It is a process just to calm you down.

Now let’s learn to write.

Learn writing

You will come across a lot of books, which will tell you about writing and how it is your thoughts that matter, etc. Now the question arises when you need to write about something you just don’t like. So how will you write or put your thoughts into something you either hate to write or don’t understand anything about? 

There is this one book ‘2K to 10K: Writing Faster’ by Rachel Aaron. Don’t think after reading you start writing really fast; it has much more to it. It contains tips about writing a story or tips on editing. These tips are not only non-fictional but for fictional writers as well.

One really good tip for write-ups contains 3 ingredients.

  1. Setup- First, show your audience what is going on.
  2. Action- Reveal what the user must do.
  3. Resolution- Conclusion or wrap-up.

You can take a look at any story, article or advertisement- these 3 ingredients will always be present.

This discussion continues in our next blog. Stay tuned.

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Content Garrage

Post On :
February 28, 2024
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