Flexible Rules of Writing that You Should Know About

The Power of Quality Content in Building an Online Presence

The field of content writing is vast. There are so many areas for content writers to work on to develop the quality of their content. Immaculate grammar, appropriate syntax, the richness of vocabulary, and many such factors influence the standard and value of a piece of content. If one looks up the rules of grammatically sound, correct writing online, many results will crop up. Some of them are pretty specific, for instance, rules about placing a comma next to conjunction. Others can be general, giving an overview of regulations that can apply to nearly all writing cases.

However, writing is ever-evolving and is highly contextual. Not every rule of writing applies to each sentence. Considering the context in which the sentence is used is extremely important to determine whether a particular rule of writing is applicable. To hire a content agency that generates content according to your needs, contact us at Content Garrage.

Browse through this article to get an idea of the rules of content writing that are, in fact, guidelines that can help enhance your content.

  • No place for passive voice

Writing in an active voice is a valuable piece of advice for effective content writing. Sentences formed in the active voice help the piece of content become concise, to-the-point, and direct. Readers can extract all the details being showcased with ease, without going through unnecessary words tediously. However, while active voice is the preferred choice, using passive voice becomes crucial in some cases. This is applicable in contexts where usage of an active voice would necessitate digging up extra information in order to make the sentence complete. Passive voice is a sensible choice if the said information is irrelevant to the topic at hand and readers do not need to know those details.

  • Skipping the use of adverbs

Adverbs have a terrible reputation in content writing because they give a free pass to writers to use ordinary verbs in a piece of content. Skipping the use of adverbs and instead relying on a rich vocabulary to use apt terms to explain or express something is always advisable. This helps make the content precise and becomes interesting for readers to engage with. While the omission of adverbs makes sense in most writing, it is not so in some instances. Especially when it comes to painting a clear picture about the actions taking place that the readers need to visualize, adverbs become an effective tool. Using adverbs wisely is a skill that content writers must win mastery over.

  • Length of a paragraph

All beginners in content writing are given a template for arranging sections in a write-up. This template constitutes three components- a sentence introducing the topic, a bunch of supportive sentences, and a conclusive sentence. While this is a reliable template for beginners, sticking to it in advanced writing can become a grave mistake. An engaging piece of writing need not follow this simple structure of paragraphs. Online pieces such as blogs are better off with concise, short paragraphs that successfully keep command over the short span of the reader’s attention.

Thus, the rules of writing are flexible. Writers must be well-versed with all writing guidelines and use them effectively to make their content stand out. If you are looking for content writers skilled at this, reach out to Content Garrage.

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Content Garrage

Post On :
February 20, 2021
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