Six Content Marketing Strategies Every Small Business Should Steal

The Power of Quality Content in Building an Online Presence

Have you got big dreams but small budgets? Do not worry. Many small and medium-level companies have the same dilemma. But this does not mean it is a dead-end. You just have to be innovative and think differently from your larger competitors. Many of those big strategies of Fortune 500 companies will not work for you. You also do not have that kind of human resources or an enormous budget. Well, you do not need one. 

With content marketing, the options are immense as it is one of the most effective types of content marketing for smaller budgets. And you do need some social media marketing skills and a knack for creating engaging content. Reach out to us at Content Garrage to equip our content marketing services.

To give you a fair idea of what is possible, here are a few ideas for highly effective marketing strategies that can be executed with small teams on smaller budgets.

  • Influencer marketing

Remember we had spoken about the one thing you need in content marketing: media skills. Well, you can either build it or buy it. Influencer marketing is about buying the media skills required for your digital content marketing

Larger companies take a different route. They try to build it by recruiting a team of professionals. However, small companies can achieve this if they partner with the right influencer.  Influencers have an audience and are experts in creating content that resonates with their audience. These influencers know precisely how to make content on a minimal budget. So, hire an influencer with content creation and content strategy skills. 

  • Storytelling

Stories are what attract an audience. A story does not necessarily have to be a Hollywood blockbuster to connect with an audience.  A short, simple story about how your business started, your initial struggling years, your hardships, your highs and lows in business and how you and your team sailed over such difficulties together make for a great engaging story. Emotions excite an audience to get connected to the brand. And even a simple startup story can convey great emotions. 

We have fascinating stories to tell, but whenever the storytelling becomes more professional and authoritative, this kills all the charm and emotions of the story. 

A story needs to be told in a relaxed and authentic manner as if talking to an old friend and revisiting all old memories. Such kind of storytelling will create a maximum impact.

  • Imagine the audience first

Many businesses are so focused on pumping out content and tracking ROI’s every quarter that they forget the ultimate goal of content marketing – to build and engage an audience.

This is indeed the primary work of content. Building an audience generates business for the company. So, if you constantly make an audience and engage with them effectively, they will think of your company first rather than your competitors whenever they require the service. 

Embracing this strategy means that you will have to be more patient. Some of the well-known brands that we know today have taken more than a year to gain a foothold in the market. But we still remember those brands because they believed and invested in their audience for decades. They continued doing it even though they did not see any immediate profits. The idea was always to build and engage more and more audiences as well as create value.

  • Prioritise retention

Many small business owners have shared with us that this is their priority. As per a recent survey, about 43 % of small businesses said that improving the overall experience of existing customers and focusing on retention are their main strategies to improve revenue growth.

Applying them is simpler: create good original content for your existing customers, often. For this, you need to be closely associated with the customer service team as they are continually aware of the customer’s needs better.

  • Go to your audience

Focus on your target audience, and find out where your audience is. There is no point in marketing old-age pension schemes on Instagram when you know your target audience is above 50 years of age. Choose your battles wisely, where your resources can bring in more benefits. 

If you blend this strategy with your audience-first mentality, you will know where your audience gathers online. You will know which social media they love, which publications they read and which blogs they follow. All of this will eventually determine your content strategy.

  • Write a book

It is pretty weird to find that very few people think of writing a book as an effective content marketing tactic. It is indeed one of the most successful content-driven marketing strategies around. It has been an effective tool for decades and is still very effective now. 

Not every business would benefit from a book, but many would. They will be especially helpful in B2B businesses or any business that is selling complex items. I understand your hesitation and wariness about writing a book. But you do not have to write one yourself. Many ghostwriters write other people’s business books. 

So, if you are looking for customisable content writing services to boost your organisation’s content marketing benefits, visit us at Content Garrage.

Written By :

Content Garrage

Post On :
March 21, 2021
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