Ways Grammarly Helps You Learn While You Write

The Power of Quality Content in Building an Online Presence

Content writing and digital marketing are perpetually evolving. Therefore, it is necessary that professional writers also try not to remain static and keep growing in terms of skills in writing and content creation. There are many ways in which a writer can keep sharpening their skills. It could be via taking periodic online courses, keeping track of areas that need to be worked on more, or developing a habit of proofreading every piece of content they create.

While all of these are essential measures that writers must adapt, there is a straightforward tool that can significantly ease the process of sharpening writing skills. Grammarly is a type of writing assistant enhanced with several features helpful for a writer. 

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  • Straightforward Suggestions

Grammarly has a clarity suggestions feature that makes it easy for content writers to write in an active voice. It can help the elimination of repetitive phrases and causes the writer to generate a piece of content that is concise, precise, and, thus, more effective.

  • Weekly Stats

Grammarly assists in keeping track of the writer’s progress through the week by sending emails every week. A writer who is registered with Grammarly as a regular user can know the exact quality of progress concerning vocabulary and productivity. Some stats inform a writer about how accurate their usage of grammar has been through the week. Thus, mastery is a measurable aspect for Grammarly users.

  • Confidence alerts

This is a beneficial feature for composing emails in a team-based interaction in a company. This feature helps a writer work around phrases such as “I feel like,” which appear to reflect low confidence and instead form sentences that make the email sound palatable and confident.

  • Grammar suggestions

One of the fundamental features of Grammarly is the alerts based on appropriate punctuation, spelling, and syntax. Using the advice given, content writers can quickly develop grammatically accurate articles or blog posts free of sentence-related errors.

  • Synonyms

While there are usual tools such as thesaurus to access a list of words that can be more suitable for use in a piece of content, Grammarly makes looking for synonyms even simpler. Grammarly can make a list of synonyms available to the user with just a double-click on a word. Besides that, there is also a feature for looking up definitions of a word. This makes writing much easier for a writer, as dictionaries and thesaurus are all brought in one place.

Thus, Grammarly is a beneficial writing tool for writers. As mentioned before, content writers must always seek to evolve their writing skills in order to keep up with the demands of the industry. If you are looking for content agencies with a team of competent writers to cater to your needs for content writing, reach out to us here at Content Garrage, and we will be happy to help.

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Content Garrage

Post On :
May 20, 2021
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